Ilsington Village Shop Nominated For Award!
We are very proud to announce that Ilsington Community Shop has been shortlisted for a prestigious award from national charity the Plunkett Foundation. Even though we have only been open for 10 months, the shop is thriving thanks to its volunteer involvement and the contribution it makes to community life. The community’s efforts have now been recognised by the Plunkett Foundation who have shortlisted us for the Contribution to Community Life category in its national community shop awards, designed to recognise the very best examples in the sector. The winners will be announced at a ceremony on Wednesday 26th June in Oxfordshire and we are keeping our finger’s crossed that we will win. To see the full shortlist you can visit Says James Alcock, head of frontline at Plunkett Foundation: “Ilsington Community Shop represents a fantastic example of community enterprise and we wish them every success at the awards ceremony in June.” The Foundation said: "The awards were hotly contested, with over 70 applications being made from over 40 communities. The applications were extremely impressive, making shortlisting very difficult. Your shop team should therefore feel very proud of this achievement.” Well done everybody!