
New Opening Hours

Mon: 8am – 6.30pm
Tue:  8am – 6.30pm
Wed: 8am – 6.30pm
Thu:  8am – 6.30pm
Fri:    8am – 6.30pm
Sat:   8am – 5.00pm
Sun:  9am – 12.00pm

How To Find Us

Post Office

Mon: 11am – 1.00pm
PO Van in Ilsington Village Hall Carpark

Ilsington Village Shop
Old Town Hill
TQ13 9RG

Tel: 01364 661788


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Buried Treasure Found!

It's amazing what you find when you are building a new shop! Bovey Construction discovered a small wooden box while they were digging out the foundations for the new Ilsington Village Shop. It turned out to be a time capsule that was buried in 1962 when the Ilsington Village Hall was first built. Phil Gibson, a member of the Ilsington Village Shop committee, remembers when the capsule was first buried, because in 1962 he was the secretary of the Ilsington Village Hall committee! One kilner jar contains the names of everyone who bought a brick and contributed to the building of the Hall and the other jar contains newspaper cuttings about the Village Hall from the year it was built.

More information about the history of the Village Hall can be found on their website – Ilsington Village Hall



Phil Gibson today is a valuable member of the Ilsington Village Shop committee.

The time capsule will be opened fully at the Village Hall AGM in June – exactly 50 years after it was first buried. We are planning to rebury the capsule at the official opening ceremony of the Village Shop and Meeting Room after adding the names of everyone who has helped with this new build by buying shares and slates and by donating time and funds. 

It is incredible how this story has come full circle and it is also incredible that one man's enthusiam and committment to community life can stretch over more than 50 years. Thank you, Phil!


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