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Mon: 8am – 6.30pm
Tue:  8am – 6.30pm
Wed: 8am – 6.30pm
Thu:  8am – 6.30pm
Fri:    8am – 6.30pm
Sat:   8am – 5.00pm
Sun:  9am – 12.00pm

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Mon: 11am – 1.00pm
PO Van in Ilsington Village Hall Carpark

Ilsington Village Shop
Old Town Hill
TQ13 9RG

Tel: 01364 661788


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Ilsington Apple Day Celebrations

News of our achievements appears in the Autumn 2011 @home Hastoe Magazine again!

The project to preserve the local village shop in Ilsington was stalling due to government cuts in funding.

Sue Norris, a Hastoe resident in the village, who has put so much time and energy into the project over the last few years was beginning to think that it would never happen.

Finally after an anxious time waiting, they have been awarded £190,000 by the Department for Rural Affairs and top up funding from the Dartmoor National Park. This means that they now have all the funds in place to start the building works. To celebrate this achievement the village organised an apple juicing day, where people could bring along their surplus apples and see them turned into tasty apple juice.

Sue said “We plan to start building in January. There is much to do but it is fantastic to think that the village shop will be open next year.”

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