
New Opening Hours

Mon: 8am – 6.30pm
Tue:  8am – 6.30pm
Wed: 8am – 6.30pm
Thu:  8am – 6.30pm
Fri:    8am – 6.30pm
Sat:   8am – 5.00pm
Sun:  9am – 12.00pm

How To Find Us

Post Office

Mon: 11am – 1.00pm
PO Van in Ilsington Village Hall Carpark

Ilsington Village Shop
Old Town Hill
TQ13 9RG

Tel: 01364 661788


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Farewell Katherine…….

For three years, Kat has been at the helm of our little shop. It is not an understatement to say that if it were not for her limitless heart and tireless work steering the shop through the stormy seas of the Covid Lockdowns, we might not have made it! She really did go above and beyond when it came to helping the community and supporting all of our lovely volunteers, and this high level of commitment has continued since, to ensure that Ilsington Village Shop remains a wonderful and vibrant space.

Kat is now embarking on a new path and is sadly going to be stepping down as manager. However, as the shop will always be her baby, we will all still enjoy her company and laughter on a regular basis.

Thank you, Kat, for all your hard work and your love.

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