Ilsington Village Shop AGM Wed 26 June 2019
Date– Wednesday 26th June 2019
Venue—Ilsington Village Hall, Ilsington
Time—7.00pm for 7.30pm start (agenda attached)
Agenda AGM 26th June 2019
1. Welcome – Refreshments: Cheese, wine, nibbles, tea & coffee.
2. Register of Attendees
3. Approval of Minutes of last AGM (posted on Ilsington Village Shop website)
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Secretary’s Report
6. Manager’s Report
7. Treasurer’s Report including receipt of accounts and balance sheet.
Acceptance of accounts
8. Resolutions ( explanations of the resolutions are below)
a. The Society shall disapply section 83 of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 which requires the appointment of an auditor.
b. The Membership fee for 2019 shall be set at zero.
9 Appointment of Management Committee
10 Any other business and Close of AGM