Author Archive
Merry Christmas!
Please join us at the shop on Thursday 20 December at 6.30pm.
There will be mulled wine, mince pies and carols to get us all in the festive spirit!
Win A Christmas Hamper!
As a thank you to all our customers, we would like you to take a raffle ticket every time you shop and enter our FREE Christmas Hamper Draw.
Please make sure you don’t lose your ticket.
We will draw the tickets on Thursday 20th during the Mince Pie, Mulled Wine and Carols Event.
If you can’t make it, don’t worry………we will publicise the winning number afterwards.
Thank you for your valued custom this year.
Calling All Volunteers!
You are invited to join us for an evening of
Fun & Factual Exchange!
A social event with a purpose!
Please come along on Wednesday, 21 November 2017 to the Village Hall at 7:00pm to enjoy some wine and cheese, ample socialising opportunities and a chance to ask the many shop questions and queries you may have been storing up over the year!
We would like to cover as many of the How to? What If? Where Is? etc as you can come up with.
We would welcome any of your questions in advance, just email them to Helen at the shop or drop them in the questions box on the windowsill.
There will also be plenty of opportunity to come up with new ones on the night.
As we want to ensure there is ample wine and cheese, please do let us know but emailing us on
The End Of An Era!
After being at the helm of the Village Shop Committee for ten years, Alan Hobbs has finally escaped…..sorry….stepped down! He has been the Chairman and a key member of the committee since before the shop was even built and over the years has turned his hand to accounting, building, cleaning, electrical wiring, selling, entertaining, carpentry, legal matters, cooking, computing and so much more. What will we do without him, I hear you cry?! Well, luckily for us, both he and his lovely wife Kate will continue to Volunteer at the shop.
The Committee got together to say thank you to Alan and also to Paul Hughes, who is also stepping down as the Shop Treasurer after many years of loyal service. Sue Norris presented Alan with some vouchers.
The Committee will continue with a new Chairman, Su Wheaton and a new Treasurer, Chris Handley.
Feeling Crafty?
Local Craft Sales in the Shop
From Friday 16th Nov we would like to sell some local crafts in the shop for two weeks.
Especially suitable would be Christmas gift ideas (sorry but no food products).
If you would like some space on our display shelf, then please come in and let us know, and we’ll see if we can accommodate you.
We will not take any commission. What we sell comes directly back to you.
Happy crafting!
Cosgrave and Banks
Cosgrave and Banks
Sublime acoustic music from Britain, mainland Europe and beyond!
Support this great village event by buying your tickets NOW!!
Saturday 6th October 7 p.m. in the village hall.
Some stall tickets still left but the Circle seats have almost sold out!
Only £8 from the shop or Sue Norris
See you there!
Coming To A Doormat Near You Soon!
To celebrate our 6th year of being open, we are sending out a short survey to local addresses to make sure we are still providing you with the shop that you want and to ask for your ideas for the future. Please can you return the surveys to the box outside the village shop (attached to the flower stand).
Ilsington Village Shop AGM 27 June 2018
Date– Wednesday 27th June 2018
Venue—Ilsington Village Hall, Ilsington
Time—7.00pm for 7.30pm start (agenda attached)
Agenda AGM 27th June 2018
1. Welcome – Refreshments: Cheese, wine, nibbles, tea & coffee.
2. Register of Attendees
3. Approval of Minutes of last AGM (posted on Ilsington Village Shop website)
4. Chairman’s Report
5. Secretary’s Report
6. Manager’s Report
7. Treasurer’s Report including receipt of accounts and balance sheet.
Acceptance of accounts
8. Resolutions ( explanations of the resolutions are below)
a. The Society shall disapply section 83 of the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014 which requires the appointment of an auditor.
b. The Membership fee for 2018 shall be set at zero.
9 Appointment of Management Committee
10 Any other business and Close of AGM
Welcome Helen Hughes
We are delighted to introduce Helen Hughes as our new Admin Assistant at the shop. We are sure she will be a great asset to the team and hope you will all welcome her into the Shop family with open arms!
Farewell to Anne
After nearly four years of warmth, professionalism and dedication as our Assistant Manager, Anne is hanging up her shop apron. Fortunately for us, she has very kindly agreed to carry on as a volunteer so you will still be able to catch her behind the counter sometimes!
The shop has benefitted greatly from Anne’s diligence and expertise and I know many of you will have enjoyed working with her or just having a friendly chat. Her ever helpful manner often saw her going above and beyond the “call of duty” – from dashing home to find some bubble wrap for someone with a parcel to send, to dropping off a customer’s shopping when they could not get out – the list is long and truly indicative of Anne’s wholehearted approach to what it means to be part of a community shop.
We know you would like to join us in thanking Anne, not only for her friendliness and ready wit but also for her outstanding commitment to our Community Shop.